Welcome to my Simple Virtual Corner!

In English
"Book Review: Compendium of Sacramentals"
"Spirituality: Discovering the Desire for God"
"The Value of Discernment"
"Church as a Gift"
"Mary and the Church of Christ"
"Wedding Customs"
In Polish
"Pokoj Serca - Odbicie nieba w duszy" - Głos Karmelu, nr 99
"Zawierzenie - Klucz do bliskości z Bogiem" - Głos Karmelu, nr 98
"Działanie Słowa na modlitwie" - Głos Karmelu, nr 97
We may not know each other, but since you are here, it means that we have something in common. This common ground is the Word of God that feeds our souls and quenches our spiritual thirsts. Therefore, I hope that you will feel at home in this tiny cyberspace where you can meditate and contemplate on the Word of God through the provided retreats.
I am a cradle Catholic. My husband Janusz and I have been married for 22 years, and we have three awesome children (also, as foster parents, we welcomed an additional 13 children who stayed with us at various times for various lengths of time).
I graduated from the University of Western Ontario (through St. Peter's Seminary) with Master of Divinity with distinction. I also received a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Heart of Christ Spiritual Direction program in partnership with the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation. Currently, I am working on my Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Formation degree at Tyndale University in Toronto, Ontario. My doctoral work is structured around the topic of mysticism of parenthood.
The academic and spiritual formation that I have received so far awoke in me the desire to share my knowledge and experience of spirituality through the writing of the Sunday Micro Retreats and Themed Retreats that you can find on this page.
This website (and whatever you find on it) is what I do outside of my everyday ministry, which is based in parish life as I work at a local Catholic Family of Parishes, where I develop and run spiritual formation programs preparing children, youth and adults for the reception of sacraments.
I hope that this short intro will help you understand the context and background in which this site is rooted. Its primary focus is on the truly Catholic approach to the development of one's spiritual life.
Monika Korzec, M.Div
I am a cradle Catholic. My husband Janusz and I have been married for 22 years, and we have three awesome children (also, as foster parents, we welcomed an additional 13 children who stayed with us at various times for various lengths of time).
I graduated from the University of Western Ontario (through St. Peter's Seminary) with Master of Divinity with distinction. I also received a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Heart of Christ Spiritual Direction program in partnership with the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation. Currently, I am working on my Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Formation degree at Tyndale University in Toronto, Ontario. My doctoral work is structured around the topic of mysticism of parenthood.
The academic and spiritual formation that I have received so far awoke in me the desire to share my knowledge and experience of spirituality through the writing of the Sunday Micro Retreats and Themed Retreats that you can find on this page.
This website (and whatever you find on it) is what I do outside of my everyday ministry, which is based in parish life as I work at a local Catholic Family of Parishes, where I develop and run spiritual formation programs preparing children, youth and adults for the reception of sacraments.
I hope that this short intro will help you understand the context and background in which this site is rooted. Its primary focus is on the truly Catholic approach to the development of one's spiritual life.
Monika Korzec, M.Div