Contemplative Retreat
Sunday Micro Retreat – October 20, 2024

Sunday Micro Retreat – October 20, 2024

As you begin your time of reflection, try to realize that you are standing on holy ground and in the presence of God, who wants to talk to you and listen to you.

Make the Sign of the Cross. The Holy Spirit is opening your heart and mind so the Word of God that you are about to read can flourish in you for God's glory. Pray that you continue to work with his grace. Let the words or your prayer flow from your mind through your heart. Try to "feel" what you are saying.

Is there anything you would like to ask God now? What graces does your heart desire?
Talk to God about it.

Now read the Sunday's Gospel:
So Jesus called them and said to them, “You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. But it is not so among you; whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all. For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10.42-45)

Or watch this video that presents this Gospel reading through the eyes of one of the disciples:

The Word of God touches everyone differently. If there is anything that really stood out for you in this reading, meditate on it. Go to the depths of your heart and listen to what God is trying to say to you.

Next, let's spend some time reflecting on the following points:

  1. How does Jesus' definition of greatness challenge your current understanding of success and leadership?
  2. Reflect on a time when you experienced servant leadership. How did it impact you, and how can you emulate that example?
  3. Jesus contrasts worldly leadership with His model of servanthood. Where in your life do you struggle most to embrace this countercultural approach?
  4. How does the image of being a "slave of all" make you feel? What fears or reservations does it bring up, and how might addressing these lead to spiritual growth?
  5. Consider your roles in family, work, or community. How can you practically apply Jesus' teaching on service in these areas?
  6. Jesus came "not to be served but to serve." How does this statement challenge your expectations of God and your relationship with Him?
  7. In what ways might your desire for recognition or status be hindering your ability to serve others wholeheartedly?
  8. Consider a current conflict or challenge in your life. How might approaching it with a servant's heart change the situation?
  9. What practical steps can you take this week to embody Christ's example of servant leadership in your sphere of influence?

It is good to keep a personal journal where reflections that stood out for you are recorded.
The outcome of those Sunday Micro Retreats is good material that you can talk about in your spiritual direction.

Spiritual Direction London Ontario

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